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The Streaming Revolution
The rise of streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney+ has fundamentally altered the way we consume television and film content. Here are some significant changes in viewer behavior brought about by the streaming era.

The Enduring Power of Television Advertising
In an era dominated by smartphones, social media, and streaming services, one might assume that traditional television advertising has lost its edge. However, TV continues to be a powerhouse in the advertising world, offering unique advantages that digital platforms struggle to match. Let’s explore why TV advertising remains a crucial component of many successful media strategies.

Video – Why Every Format Matters in Modern Media
In today’s digital age, video has emerged as the dominant form of content consumption. From traditional TV commercials to YouTube clips, video captivates audiences across all platforms. We want you to know why every form of video is crucial in the current media ecosystem.

Get Outdoors for Successful Media Planning
Any brand today with a comprehensive media plan is looking to increase their opportunities to reach an audience at multiple touchpoints throughout a consumer journey. Ideally, a multichannel approach will grow exposure but this can be cost prohibitive for many businesses. At MediaDex, we recognize that advertisers need a media plan that works within their budget without making the mistake of trying to be in too many places at once, ultimately ending up with a small voice in any or all.
Tracking the Effectiveness of Television Advertising for Injury Law Firms
Tracking the effectiveness of television ads continues to evolve in our current digital age. However, with the right strategies and tools, personal injury law firms can (and should!) measure the impact of their TV advertising efforts effectively. Here’s a detailed guide on how to track and measure television ads for personal injury law firms:
Integrating SEO with PPC / Paid Search
As businesses strive to maximize their online visibility, combining Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, or paid search, emerges as a powerful strategy. While SEO builds long-term brand credibility and organic search traffic, PPC provides immediate visibility and targeted reach. Integrating PPC with traditional advertising methods such as TV and Out of Home (OOH) advertising further enhances the effectiveness of both digital and traditional campaigns.
MediaDex to Sponsor Networld Media Group Events
MediaDex is proud to be this year’s Sponsor for the Restaurant Franchise Innovation Summit. The RFIS event brings together franchisor executives and industry experts focusing on business objectives ranging from franchise development and operations to e-commerce, media and marketing.
Targeted Opportunities to include in your Media Plan
As more consumers are using streaming services, OTT is the perfect extension of traditional advertising, but with the power of digital targeting. The freedom of content anytime, anywhere and the compatibility with multiple devices continues to empower viewers to be selective about their content and how they want to view it. Personalizing advertising to these individuals no longer needs to be limited by geography or broadcast schedules, but rather can be tailored through audience-based data which reveals what they value most.
Why Should Companies Spend Marketing Dollars on SEO?
The visibility of your business online is crucial. As companies vie for top positions in search engine results, the importance of investing in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) cannot be overstated. But why should businesses allocate a portion of their marketing budget to SEO?